Meet Smo1derTv - LegionFarm PRO in Warzone


We’ve traveled the globe telling you about our amazing pro players, and now it’s time to visit the largest country in the world and its proud resident and our pro Smo1derTv!

Vladislav, aka Smo1derTv, is a 27-year-old pro from Saint-Petersburg, Russia. A long-time shooter fan, Vladislav started his gaming life with Battlefield 3 and later on tried his hand at battle royale. Not really taking to PUBG’s gameplay pace, he found his skills paying off the most in Ring of Elysium at the time and worked hard to make it to the esports levels.

The captain of his own team “NoRecoil,” Vladislav placed first in one of the biggest game events, RoE Amazon Cup, and won 6 tourneys in a row. His other Ring of Elysium achievements include:

  • #1 in Oserv Spring Rumble
  • #1 in RoECL Season 2
  • #1 in RoE Endpoint Anniversary
  • #2 in RuRoe Survival Cup
  • #3 in RoECL Season 1

Not new to Warzone’s competitive leagues, even though most of the tourneys were fan-made or took place in private lobbies, Vladislav nearly lost count of all the championships he and his guys participated in, but one thing always remains the same: his team places in the Top-5, with victories being a common practice.

“I just always want to improve my game experience and skill at the game,” he told us when asked what motivated him to pursue a career in professional gaming.

And how do these stats look for someone who's just improving?

  • 5,617 matches
  • 1,141 wins (Top 0.1%)
  • 58,097 kills (Top 0.1%)
  • 4.86 K/D
  • 56,762,324 score (Top 0.1%)
  • 20.3% win rate

Having started at LegionFarm in mid-December last year, Vladislav can now boast VIP status on the platform and 615 sessions with our customers.


“Now it [LegionFarm] is my main job. It allows me to talk with my friends from other countries and make new friends as well. I really like it, because my English level has improved a lot and it's what I'm doing for life.”

Wanna play with Smo1derTv? Head to and hit him up for a session!

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