Meet Molly - LegionFarm PRO in Warzone


Hey guys! Here we are today, once again telling you about our stunning female pro players. Let’s meet our Warzone queen Molly and check out her equally awesome story!

Molly King, aka Molly, is a 20-year-old veterinary nursing student and Pro-player from the UK. An aspiring pet doctor by day and a killer Warzone operator by night, Molly has been dedicating more and more of her time to gaming recently, which lead to the awakening of her natural talent and the becoming of a full-on pro.

Not a stranger to worldwide esports achievements, she’s made it to Fortnite’s Top-170 EU World Cup Warmup and Top-250 NA Winter Royale World Cup Warmup. And Top-200 in Apex with an Apex Pred Season 2 rank!

Holding female records in basically all Warzone modes, including the kill record in solo, duos and quads, Molly’s also a TOP-30 UK player in KDA, with average damage between 4,500 to 5,000 and stats looking absolutely gorgeous:

  • 523 wins
  • 18, 245 kills
  • 5.88 K/D
  • 38% win rate

A LegionFarm PRO since December 2020, Molly’s already delivered 90 sessions with a 4.99-star rating from happy customers!


“I love that it [LegionFarm] gives me a chance to prove my skills to a wider audience,” she says. “During Covid I couldn’t find work and now I can sustain a living from playing a game I love.”

Wanna play with Molly? Head to and hit her up for a session!

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