Meet LSBenites - LegionFarm PRO in Warzone


We know you guys have been missing stories about our Warzone players! Well, we’ve got a new one for you to make this summer weekend even brighter! Today, you’ll get to know our amazing LSBenites from sunny Brazil!

Leonan Benites, aka LSBenites, is a 25-year-old Brazilian from the city of São Paulo. Currently in his fifth year of medical school, Leonan is juggling his studies, internships and work as a professional Warzone coach. Up and busy for almost 20 hours straight every day, he seems like a real-life superhero, being a hard-working student by day and a ruthless Warzone operator by night.

“My schedule is pretty tight,” says Leonan. “I wake up early, around 7 am, study or stay at the hospital until 7 pm and then work with Warzone until dawn. Although it sounds like a lot, I'm very fulfilled with what I do and very happy to be able to work with what I love.”

Tied with gaming since childhood, Leonan can’t even remember the times when he was not rocking out in virtual worlds. Seeing his passion as more than just a hobby, he tried to monetize his skills and dedication by taking part in local tournaments and creating game servers. Sadly, nothing was feasible enough to pay his bills, but that didn’t stop Leo from trying harder and polishing his mastery to finally make it to the top of Warzone’s leaderboards. A Top 0.1% player now, he easily scores around 10,000 points per game and leaves his enemies no chance to escape. With stats like that, no wonder:

  • 1,376 wins
  • 37,376 kills
  • 36,107,640 score
  • 5.39 K/D
  • 37.5% win rate

With the LegionFarm family since October 2020, Leo is a full-on professional gamer and coach with 503 sessions played and a top-notch 5-star rating.


“It is amazing how this company has provided an incomparable life change for me. Playing is already something I love, now earning money at the same time I play? INSANE!”

A happy owner of the exclusive LF hardware, Leo is making the most of his recently-bought setup to deliver even better in-game performance and teach our customers the art of Warzone. What’s more, Leo says that LegionFarm helped him gain financial stability, especially during the pandemic, and provide himself and his family with everything they need.

“Working here at LegionFarm, I’ve managed to have all the amenities I need, such as living in a nice apartment, having an excellent setup to play, visiting restaurants and new places, as well as helping my parents with their bills,” he shares. “A year ago, I would never have thought that I would be working with Warzone, having fun while teaching and playing with other people. This is amazing and I am so grateful for this opportunity!”

Wanna play with LSBenites? Head to and book your session!

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