Meet Cissty - LegionFarm PRO in Warzone


The heat wave is real out there, ain’t it? Stay hydrated guys and don’t hesitate to take a nice chilling break from whatever you’re doing and check out this story about our amazing Warzone pro Cissty in the meantime!

Cengizhan, aka Cissty, is a 21-year-old professional player from Turkey and a German language and Literature student at the Namık Kemal University. Keen on video games ever since a kid, Cissty has always aimed at the very top and has been pretty ambitious about making a career out of his hobby one day.

Testing the waters with League of Legends, he was the second-best Irelia player in the world with the game’s highest Challenger rank. After switching to the Call of Duty series, Cissty claimed a bunch of local esports victories and then focused all his effort on polishing his Warzone skills and stats. And it didn’t take too long for his dedication to bear fruit. Over 4,750 matches played in Verdansk, Cissty has rightfully earned his place at the Top 0.1% and scored some pretty terrific stats:

  • 867 wins
  • 53,547 kills
  • 5.26 K/D
  • 48,892,416 score
  • 18.2% win rate

A freshman on the LegionFarm platform, Cissty’s been with us for 3 months now, but don’t let these numbers fool you: 296 sessions with an overall 4.9-star rating have been played already, making him one of our most hard-working and highly-rated pros.


As passionate about teaching as he is about gaming, Cissty’s over the moon with finally having a chance to earn a living by playing his favorite game, all while using his own in-game expertise and knowledge to help other players get better.

“My dream came true with LegionFarm,” says Cissty. “It's just an unbelievable place. It changed my perspective and it's so good that now I do the job that I love. I got stronger financially and now I can support my family. I also met new people, made new friends. It's like family here. Thank you LF!”

Wanna play with Cissty? Head to and hit him up for a session!

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